Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral developmental or the psychological disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood, affecting 8 - 12% of school-aged children. This condition requires immediate treatment because if left untreated it can have adverse effects on the brain of a kid and can also last until adulthood. For many parents finding safe, natural ways to keep their children calm is a priority. Fortunately, there are natural effective ways to give your kids the nutrients they need and keep them calm at the same time.
Vitamins and minerals can play a key role in obtaining balance in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) kids. Good biochemical vitamin and mineral balance is essential to helping the brain equalize certain neurotransmitters. Here are vitamins and minerals that can help brain function and are important for those who want to use vitamins and minerals to treat ADHD in children. Although it is unlikely, on the basis of the studies to date, that ADHD is purely a deficiency disease, most children with this diagnosis are deficient in certain key nutrients, and do respond very well. The only way to add vitamins and minerals to ADHD is by eating these nutrients  rich foods or vitamin and minerals supplements. So now we will discuss about use of vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to relieve the symptoms of ADHD. The most important natural sources of vitamins and minerals to think about if your child has ADHD are highlighted below.


Vitamin B complex

B Vitamins are vital for proper brain function and development and have been used for children with ADD and ADHD. One of the most reliable effects is a decrease in anxiety and an increase in the feeling of tranquility. This is universal to children and adults alike. Interestingly, B vitamins also give you more energy, but it is a calm energy rather than an anxious or wound up energy. The B vitamins have been linked to improved neural activity and are great at reducing stress, both useful for children with ADHD. While most B vitamins are safe, to do have potential side effects, so consult with a medical provider before selecting a supplement for your child. A deficiency of the B vitamins was found to be associated with mental confusion, fatigue and even psychosis.  The intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin B content foods is very important for a hyperactive kid because it helps him or her get the proper nutrition for the brain which ultimately helps in the growth of the brain. The water-soluble Vitamin B is a group of eleven vitamins that work together as a team, all these B Vitamins that you get in a complex: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12, so when supplementing, be sure to take a B-complex to get the whole B spectrum.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex can be found in many food groups which include green and leafy vegetables, dairy products, fresh fruits, and certain meats. Therefore, foods containing Vitamin B complex are brewer’s yeast, milk, whole grain cereals, liver, eggs, nuts, poultry, fish and yogurt, bananas, potatoes, beans, lentils, and chili peppers to name a few.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamin is also known as vitamin B1. The water-soluble Vitamin B1 helps in developing the concentration power of kids and gives them capacity to focus their attention on people and objects around them.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B-1

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) can be taken in foods such as fortified with thiamin whole wheat, bran, soybeans, meats, seeds (especially sesame seeds), legumes, wheat germ, nuts, yeast, and molasses. B1 is also found in potatoes, seafood, liver, beans, peanuts, oranges, kidney beans, Sunflower Seeds, fish, Tuna, Lima Beans, Lentils, Pork Chops, Pine Nuts, Green Peas and Pistachios etc.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also commonly known as niacin is very essentially needed by kids suffering from hyperactive disorder. Vitamin B3 has helps children in improving their attention span and even their focus on different things. This is one of the best vitamins for children in eradicating the symptoms of hyperactivity in them.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B3

Reliable dietary sources of vitamin B3 (niacin) include Anchovies fish, Tuna fish, Swordfish fish, Bran, Halibut, Roasted chicken breast, Paprika, Nuts, dairy products, beans, peanuts, turkey, wheat bran, brown rice, milk, eggs, lean red meat, liver, fish, cheese, oats, dried fruit, wholegrain breads and cereals, nuts, mushrooms enriched refined grains and all protein-containing foods.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is also referred as Pyridoxine considered being the best among all the Vitamins for Hyperactive Kids because of the optimization of brain development is done quite effectively by vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is required for normal brain development and is essential in the synthesis of brain chemicals including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. It stimulates Serotonin levels release in the brain. Children who are hyperactive have lower Serotonin levels, than those who are not. Low Serotonin can result in lethargy and depression. B6 transports oxygen and blood to brain. It helps to reduce anxiety and irritability. A deficiency in B6 could display symptoms like irritability, inability to concentrate, and short-term memory loss. Regular intake of vitamin B6 could help reduce behavioral problems in a hyperactive child. One preliminary study found that B6 pyridoxine was slightly more effective than Ritalin in improving behavior among hyperactive children. However, the study used a high dose of B6, which could cause nerve damage (although none occurred in the study). Other studies have shown that B6 has no effect on behavior. High doses can be cause numbness and tingling.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B6

Whole grains, cereal grains and legumes, green and leafy vegetables, bananas, chicken, beans, meat, beef, fish (Salmon, Cod, and Tuna) shellfish, liver, pork, Tenderloin, chicken, potatoes, wheat germ, chickpeas, eggs, avocados, dried fruit, nuts, peanuts, Pistachios, fruit and molasses are  great source of vitamin B6(pyridoxine).

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very advantageous for kids suffering from hyperactivity. Oranges are a great source of vitamin C and these are quite instrumental in improving the moods of the kids which helps them in getting rid of their hyperactive condition. However, vitamin C, while often associated as being more of an immune-boosting and heart healthy antioxidant vitamin, may also play a crucial (and often underrated) role in taming the negative symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C

Fruits that are pack with vitamin C are: Cantaloupe, Plums, Black Currant, Kiwi, Orange, Melon, Banana, Avocado, Guava, Strawberries, Papaya, all kinds of Berries, and Citrus Fruits. And vegetables are Tomatoes, Potatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Red and Green Bell Peppers, Cabbage, and Spinach. Sweet Red peppers have more than three times the vitamin C of Orange juice.

Vitamin F

Vitamin F consists of a group of polyunsaturated fats called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), they are also referred to as polyunsaturated. Essentially, there are two main types of EFAs: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are very essential for children suffering from ADHD. These fats, which include omega-3 oils, are necessary for the brain to function properly. Studies show that omega-3s improve hyperactivity, impulsivity, and concentration in kids (and adults) with ADD/ADHD. Omega-3s have a clearly calming effect on many children with hyperactivity and ADHD. And many children with ADHD/hyperactivity have visible symptoms of essential fat deficiency such as excessive thirst, dry skin, eczema and asthma. The human body cannot produce its own EFAs, they must be obtained through the diet means regularly to ensure good brain function. So add more omega-3 fatty acids to your child’s diet. To ensure that your child is getting enough omega-3 and omega-6, take daily supplements in the form of fish oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, primrose oil, blackcurrant oil, or borage oil. There are some findings that suggest that, in children with ADHD who are 8 to 12 years old, fish oil supplementation may improve mental skills. For instance, it may help improve a child's ability to organize activities. Evening primrose oil improves hyperactivity, inattentiveness, an inability to think clearly, and overall behavior in children with ADHD who were 7 to 12 years old.

Natural Sources of Vitamin F

Vitamin F can be found in sea food like salmon, herring, anchovies, and mackerel, In healthy vegetable oils like sunflower seeds, olive, safflower, canola, and grape seed, In nuts particularly hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts. In Legumes, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds and avocado. EFAs are also available in supplement form - such as fish oil capsules or evening primrose oil.



Your kids need magnesium for healthy development; kids also need magnesium for attention deficit and hyperactivity. Magnesium deficiency is one of the leading causes of hyperactivity in children and can also contribute to poor sleep. Low magnesium levels could lead to irritability, anxiety, restlessness, decreased attention span, and mental confusion. This mineral can play a significant role in sugar metabolism, which is an important factor of stabilizing moods and concentration. Magnesium can have a calming effect and is available in many foods, and most children probably do not get as much magnesium as they should from their diet. A simple magnesium supplement can help to keep your child calm, increase their attention and help them to rest better. Too much magnesium can be dangerous and magnesium can interfere with certain medications, including antibiotics and blood pressure medications. Talk to your doctor.

Natural Sources Magnesium

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and other seeds, halibut, shrimp, whole-wheat bread, milk, Whole grain products, lima beans, black-eyed peas, soybeans, legumes, avocados, bananas, and kiwifruit.


While calcium is known for helping build strong bones, it also supports cell membranes and aids the nervous system, especially in impulse transmission, which could improve a child's behavior. Calcium helps relax the muscles and have a calming effect on the nervous system.  Calcium also works to remove many heavy metals, calm the nervous system, improve sleep patterns, and quiet a hyperactive child which is why calcium and are known as nature's tranquilizers. Calcium also functions as psychological buffer elements.  This means they protect one from the effects of stress.  When they are deficient, one is more reactive, and often has a harder time being around others and maintaining a focus of attention.

Natural Sources of Calcium

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt – low-fat ones are best, and it doesn't matter if they come from cows or other animals, for example goats, skimmed and semi-skimmed milk contains more calcium than full-fat milk. Fortified products such as cereals, oats, orange juice, tofu and soya milk. Fish with the bones such as tinned sardines and salmon, Calcium also found in some nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Calcium is present in leafy green vegetables watercress, beans and chickpeas, some dark green leafy vegetables especially spinach, rhubarb, turnip and mustard greens, kale, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli.
Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to strong and healthy.


Zinc is a common nutritional deficiency among children who are hyperactive. Zinc deficiency can cause difficulty with thinking and mental processing, which then leads to increased anxiety and acting out. Zinc can be calming for children even if they are not specifically diagnosed with ADHD or hyperactivity. Zinc functions as a mood stabilizer.  Some researchers actually consider it a calming neurotransmitter in its own right.  Zinc (35 mg per day) regulates the activity of brain chemicals, fatty acids, and melatonin, all of which are related to behavior. Several studies show that zinc may help improve behavior, slightly. And some scientists have reported improved symptoms in children with ADHD who took zinc supplements along with traditional ADHD treatment. Higher doses of zinc can be dangerous, so talk to your doctor before giving zinc to a child or taking it yourself.

Natural Sources of Zinc

Best food sources of zinc include oysters, Dungeness crab, and other seafood, red meat like beef, lamb, poultry as turkey, eggs, but vegetarians can get zinc from asparagus, soy beans, grains, black-eyed peas, wheat germ, fortified cereals, nuts, almonds, peanuts, chickpeas, Spinach, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, whole grains,  pumpkin seeds, soy foods tofu, brewer's yeast, chocolate and dairy products.


Iron deficiency has been implicated in ADD; other studies have shown that ADHD children have low serum levels of iron. Iron helps regulate the neurotransmitter dopamine and may help children with ADHD, Iron is also used to make neurotransmitters—most notably, those that regulate the ability to pay attention, which is crucial to learning.  An iron deficiency not only causes an energy crisis but also directly affects mood, attention span, and learning ability.  To prevent iron deficiency, children must get 10 mg of iron daily.

Natural Sources of Iron

The iron that your body absorbs the best and is found in high amounts in red meat, In moderate amounts in prunes, apricots, blackstrap molasses, nutritional yeast, and wheat germ, Oily fish, for example sardines, Pulses, for example lentils and haricot beans, Dark green vegetables, spinach, kale and watercress. Leafy green vegetables, beans, shellfish, Eggs, poultry, soy foods, , whole grains, beans, turkey, egg yolks, clams, mussels, oysters, fortified bread and grain products.

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