10 Natural Home Remedies For Spermatorrhoea(Spermaturia)

What is Spermatorrhoea?

Spermatorrhoea is a male sexual problem characterized by involuntary seminal discharge or emission. This sort of discharge usually takes place without sexual stimulation and orgasm. Spermaturia is a condition where semen passes through stool or urine. This involuntary loss of semen might cause lots of discomfort to men.

A male who suffers from excessive seminal emission or seminal leakage after urination, may experience the following side-effects: 

headache, back ache, lethargy, dizziness, weak eyesight, excessive sweating, limbs tremor, palpitations, insomnia, depression, low libido, physical weakness and so on.

Some amount of seminal emission is considered quite normal in a male who does not indulge in frequent sexual union. But when the number of seminal emissions shoots up abnormally, it becomes a problem. It, then, should be treated as disease.

The Main causes of Spermatorrhoea are:

  • Failing of the nervous system
  • Frequent masturbation
  • Narrowness of urinal duct exit
  • Over leniency to sexual thoughts
  • Failing of genital and urinary gland
  • Sexual discontentment
  • Filled bladder sensation
  • Rectum disorders like fissures, piles etc.
  • Stimulation after the contact
  • Testicular annoyance because of the stiffness of the forefront skin

Symptoms of spermatorrhea include: 

constipation, dizziness, back pain, anorexia, weakness, fatigue, isolation, lack of energy, flaccid male organ, frequent desire to urinate, dyspepsia, emotional stress, loss of concentration, itching in genital areas and involuntary discharge of semen.

Involuntary Semen Leakage Treatment

Treatments are usually prescribed by analyzing the root cause of problem. Natural treatments can help you manage your symptoms. Natural ways are the best option to cure any disease because they don’t have any kind of side effects.

Following are some among the best recommended natural home remedies for curing spermatorrhea condition.

Natural Treatment For Involuntary Seminal Discharge

Natural Home Remedy 1

  • 12 gm ---- Chinaberry tree/Bead Tree seeds
  • 12 gm ---- Gorgan Nut
  • 12 gm ---- Puncture Vine
  • 12 gm ---- Cucumber seeds kernels
  • 12 gm ---- Country Mallow/Flannel Weed
  • 12 gm ---- Gum Acacia
  • 12 gm ---- Bastard Teak / Parrot tree Gum
  • 12 gm ---- Plain flour / Flour Refines
  • 125 gm ---- Rock candy/Loaf sugar


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 12 gm along with a glass of lukewarm cow ‘milk in the morning and 12 gm at the evening for 7 days.
  3. This is an effective natural remedy to get rid of involuntary semen leakage completely.

Natural Home Remedy 2

  • 1 kg ---- Unripe Babul pods without seeds
  • 1 kg ---- Asparagus


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon along with a glass of lukewarm cow ‘milk in the morning and 1 teaspoon at the evening for 7 days.
  3. This natural remedy works like a tonic for involuntary seminal emission.

Natural Home Remedy 3

  • 400 gm ---- Rock candy/Loaf sugar
  • 60 gm ---- Gum Acacia
  • 60 gm ---- Tragacanth gum
  • 60 gm ---- Coriander seeds
  • 60 gm ---- Gorgan Nut
  • 60 gm ---- Water chestnut/Water caltrop (dried)
  • 60 gm ---- Wheat Starch


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon along with a glass of lukewarm sweetened milk in the morning and 1 teaspoon at the evening.
  3. This natural remedy really works in treating frequent seminal secretion.

Natural Home Remedy 4

  • 1 kg ---- Velvet Bean seeds
  • 1 kg ---- Gorgan Nut
  • 2 kg ---- Rock candy/Loaf sugar


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 12 gm along with a glass of lukewarm cow ‘milk in the morning and 12 gm at the evening.
  3. This natural remedy greatly helps to cease root cause of seminal discharge without ejaculation.

Natural Home Remedy 5

  • 12 gm ---- White Alum roasted
  • 12 gm ---- Unripe Babul pods without seeds


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 1 gm along with a cup of lukewarm milk in the morning and 1 gm at the evening.
  3. This natural remedy is also very useful to provide relief from excessive semen ejaculation.

Natural Home Remedy 6

  • 12 gm ---- Heart Leaved Moon Seed Extract
  • 12 gm ---- Pure Mineral Pitch Extract
  • 12 gm ---- Salep Orchid
  • 12 gm ---- Wild Parsnip
  • 12 gm ---- White Behen
  • 12 gm ---- Gum Acacia
  • 12 gm ---- Bamboo manna
  • 12 gm ---- Green Cardamoms seeds
  • 24 gm ---- Psyllium Husk
  • 50 gm ---- Tamarind seeds kernels


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all and store in a glass jar.
  2. Take 5 gm along with a glass of lukewarm cow ‘milk on an empty stomach in the morning and 5 gm at the evening.
  3. This natural remedy will be quite beneficial for chronic Spermaturia.

Natural Home Remedy 7

  • 125 gm ---- Bastard Teak / Parrot tree Gum
  • Sufficient quantity ---- Banyan tree milky sap


  1. Put parrot tree gum in a clay or glass bowl pour sufficient quantity of sticky milk of banyan tree so that the parrot tree gum is fully dipped in the banyan tree milky sap. 
  2. Let it to dry under shade repeat this process 2 times more and now make a fine and smooth powder of parrot tree gum.
  3. Make pills in black peppercorn size and save in a glass container.
  4. Take one pill along with a cup of lukewarm milk in the morning and one pill at the evening.
  5. This is trial and tested natural treatment for seminal discharge without orgasm.

Natural Home Remedy 8

  • 12 gm ---- Thorn apple seeds
  • 12 gm ---- Purslane Seeds
  • 12 gm ---- Anise seeds


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all now make pills in pea size to save in a glass container.
  2. Take 1-2 pills along with a glass of lukewarm cow ‘milk once a day.
  3. This natural remedy is highly effective for treating chronic seminal discharge without copulation.

Natural Home Remedy 9

  • 50 gm ---- Psyllium Husk
  • 25 gm ---- Almond oil
  • 100 gm ---- Honey
  • 03 gm ---- Edible Silver leaf


  1. Mix thoroughly all and store in a glass container.
  2. Take 3 gm along with a cup of lukewarm milk in the morning and take 3 gm at the evening.
  3. This is a proven natural remedy to cure sperm leakage in urine.

Natural Home Remedy 10

  • 25 gm ---- Asparagus
  • 25 gm ---- Tamarind seeds kernels
  • 25 gm ---- Carrot seeds
  • 25 gm ---- Rock candy/Loaf sugar


  1. Make fine and smooth powder of all.  Mix well and store in a glass container.
  2. Take 6 gm along with a cup of lukewarm milk in the morning and 6 gm at the evening.
  3. This remedy is highly beneficial in dealing with involuntary ejaculation of semen.

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